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The Neon Bible

Drama THE NEON BIBLE, writer-director Terence Davies first literary adaptation, is based on John Kennedy Toole’s coming of age story set in the 1930s and 1940s Bible belt. Similar to Davies’s autobiographical TRILOGY, the film is a series of remembrances by 15-year old David (Jacob Tierney), who reflects back on his troubled childhood while riding a train to an unknown future. As a small boy, David (Drake Bell) was a friendless outcast who ... [+]
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  • 07/23/2016
    10 Mandamientos Neónicos Excellent
    1- Como Madre de un Escritor gordito y fracasado, esperarás decentemente a que tu hijo muera suicidado por inhalación gaseosa excesiva y después conseguirás vender los derechos de su graciosa novela ... Read full review
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