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The Brown Bunny

Drama The Brown Bunny is a love story. It's the story of one man's tragic loss of the love of his life. He is Bud Clay. And he races motorcycles. He rides in the 250cc Formula II class of road racing. Round and round he goes, repeating laps over and over until the race is over. The story begins with Bud racing in New Hampshire. Bud's next race is in California in five days. And so his journey begins across America. And every day Bud is ... [+]
Habitación1520: favorite reviews of The Brown Bunny
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  • 08/4/2017
    la belleza de la poesía Excellent
    Mi crítica es más extensa de lo permitido, por ello, os remito a que no es una página de cine pero sí de cultura donde se tratan todos los temas desde una perspectiva objetiva y ... Read full review
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