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The Maltese Falcon

Film noir. Mystery Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) is a private eye who gets involved in the hunt for a statuette while searching for the murderer of his partner, Miles Archer (Jerome Cowan). His fellow treasure hunters include a sinister 'little and large' act (Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet), a psychotic tearaway (Elisha Cook Jr), and the duplicitous femme fatale, Brigid O'Shaughnessy (Mary Astor).
RandolphCarter: favorite reviews of The Maltese Falcon
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  • 05/23/2010
    Carrusel de mentiras Great
    Mucho me temo que no seré nada original, que voy a sumarme a la mayoría alienada, que voy a irritar o tal vez a espolear y cargar de razones a esa adorable turba de justicieros que andan por ahí ... Read full review
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