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Box 507

Thriller In a quaint town along Spain's wealthy Costa del Sol, a band of professionals plan the robbery of a small bank managed by the respectable middle-aged Modesto (Antonio Resines). Using his wife as a hostage, the thieves force him inside the bank vault while they make off with the valuables. Battered and dazed and waiting for rescue, Modesto stumbles on a safety deposit box that could hold the answers to the mysterious death of his ... [+]
Quim Casals: favorite reviews of Box 507
Validated reviews 2
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  • 03/21/2013
    Vidas cruzadas Good
    Modesto Pardo (Antonio Resines) es, en apariencia, más modesto que pardo y, desde luego, no es un mazas. Rafael Mazas (José Coronado) sí lo es –un mazas, digo. No tiene nada, en apariencia, de pardo y ... Read full review
  • 03/7/2013
    La soledad del corredor de fondos Good
    "La caja 507" es la triste y desoladora historia de un versus. Antonio Resines vs José Coronado, la integridad versus la corrupción, el lobo con piel de oveja versus la oveja con piel de ... Read full review
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