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Capturing the Friedmans

Documentary The Friedmans (Arnold Friedman, Elaine Friedman, David Friedman, Seth Friedman, Jesse Friedman and Howard Friedman) seem at first to be a typical family. Arnold Friedman is an award-winning schoolteacher, his wife Elaine, a homemaker. Together, they raise their three boys in the affluent Long Island town of Great Neck. One Thanksgiving, the family is gathered at home preparing for a quiet holiday dinner. In an instant, a police ... [+]
beat30: favorite reviews of Capturing the Friedmans
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  • 05/11/2023
    Inmerecida fama Poor
    Después de hartarme de oír y leer elogios sobre esta cinta, me decidí a verla. Todavía me estoy preguntando porqué. Como documental sobre un caso de abusos sexuales a menores, no aporta nada, porque ... Read full review
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