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Without a Paddle

Comedy This is the story of three friends (Green, Lillard, Shepard) from the big city of Philadelphia who go canoeing together out in the woods and mountains of Washington State after the death of a friend, Billy. Billy was obsessed with going there to search for the unaccounted-for 194,200 US dollars out of the 200,000 US dollars that famed airliner highjacker D.B. Cooper parachuted with quite possibly to his death in 1971 5,800 US dollars of ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"An unstable -- if mostly painless -- mix of low comedy, stabs at higher silliness, and schmaltz." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Its few memorable highlights end up floating haplessly in a genial but uninspired and watery plot."
United States
New York Post
"A likable trio of actors struggles valiantly but ultimately fails to keep this dopey buddy comedy afloat."
United States
The Washington Post
"The cheesy, unconvincing moments centered on the characters' serious discussions of life and friendship really seem unnatural and ruin the flow of the physical comedy." 
United States
USA Today
"In a summer filled with dumb comedies, this might prove to be the dumbest."
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"There are some genuinely clever moments of physical comedy"
United States
Baltimore Sun
"Even in a world where stupidity mixed with cliche is all too often mistaken for humor, this movie barely meets expectations."
United States
AV Club
"Buddy comedies rely heavily on their leads' chemistry, and in this regard, Without A Paddle fails."
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"While the likable Seth Green, Matthew Lillard and Dax Shepard are definitely up to the comic excursion, the picture charts an uncertain course between wild and mild"
United States
Chicago Reader
"Aside from a few good zingers the humor is crude and homophobic, and you could drive an ATV through the holes in the plot."
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