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Lisa Frankenstein

Comedy. Fantasy. Romance. Horror In 1989, an unpopular high school girl named Lisa accidentally re-animates a handsome Victorian corpse during a lightning storm and starts to rebuild him into the man of her dreams by using the broken tanning bed in her garage.
Media Author Review
United States
"Diablo Cody scripts a faux outrageous undead teenage horror vomedy that never fnds its joke" 
United States
The New York Observer
"'Lisa Frankenstein' feels like it arrived on a time machine from the year 1989 (...) Twisted, horny, and bloody Fun (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
AV Club
"Prepare to fall in love with a goth weirdo and her undead BFF in Zelda Williams’ feature debut (...) a pastel gothic ode to the teen girl movies of the ’80s" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"'Lisa Frankenstein' has some surface similarities to films such as 'Weird Science' and 'Edward Scissorhands,' but the gross-out gags involving Zombie Boy are more disgusting than hilarious
(...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Wrap
"It’s clear Williams knows how to tell a story and with 'Lisa Frankenstein' as her first wacky and wonderful calling card, there’s no denying she is a filmmaker to watch." 
United States
Rolling Stone
"'Lisa Frankenstein' will Make you miss Tim Burton. A lot" 
United States
"Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse are the saving graces of this half-baked rom-com about a girl who falls in love with her favorite corpse." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Assembled lovingly from many different parts, 'Lisa Frankenstein' flips the switch thanks to an overall commitment from cast and crew" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"The movie wants to be a celebration of the defiant weirdo rising above high school conformity, but it’s less subversive than gonzo goofball." 
United States
"The elements are charming in and of themselves, but Diablo Cody’s script sets itself apart in how it cleverly ties everything together, making even the smallest, seemingly most innocuous details relevant to the overarching plot." 
United States
The Washington Post
"Diablo Cody concocts a drearily derivative screenplay with glib, pseudo-edgy jokes (...) Rating: ½ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"The Oscar-winning screenwriter aims to recall 80s classics from 'Heathers' to 'Beetlejuice' but there are too many parts missing (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Rant
"'Lisa Frankenstein' sets out to tell a modern love story in an 80s horror comedy riff, but though it's freaky fun, it's not all that romantic." 
United States
Chicago Reader
"With an appealing reverence for gothic romance and a willingness to get its hands dirty, 'Lisa Frankenstein' is a sharp -if shallow- horror-comedy" 
Heaven of Horror
"While it has a lot going for it, I found it too long and lacking punch (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"The screenwriter’s mashup of 80s teen horror tropes falls flat in Zelda Williams’s erratic feature debut (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"The more I think about 'Lisa Frankenstein', the more the shine of a handful of decent laughs wears off" 
United States
"Not as memorable as the ’80s and ’90s high-school romps and creepshows it pays tribute to, there's still lots of gory fun to be had with director Zelda Williams’ feature-length debut thanks to Newton's electric lead " 
United States
"A zany, heartfelt, and unapologetically odd story (...) Some people will hate 'Lisa Frankenstein,' but for those who love it, it's going to be one of their favorite films of 2024" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"Despite solid performances and hints of daring brilliance, Lisa Frankenstein feels disposable because its winks and nods downplay its uniqueness" 
United States
"Imagine for a moment the teen dreams of John Hughes collided with the goth and gunk of '80s-era Tim Burton, and you'll have an inkling of what 'Lisa Frankenstein' has in store for you." 
The Globe and Mail
"Although far less raw and palpitating than the 'Juno' screenplay that turned Cody into an icon almost two decades prior, 'Lisa Frankenstein' illustrates any filmmaker’s good fortune when they get to direct a Diablo Cody script" 
United States
"'Lisa Frankenstein' doesn’t quite work on any level—not as a comedy, or a coming-of-age flick, or an outlandish love story, leaving us craving for a lot more of each bloody dish it serves up." 
United Kingdom
"These teens may be a bit messy (who isn’t?) but it’s a joy to have Diablo Cody back to telegraph a new kind of adolescent horror, with a smile full of teeth. (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
USA Today
"The movie marks Cody’s return to horror comedy after the cult classic “Jennifer’s Body,” and her writing is both subtly wry and insightfully poignant. (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"The inconsistency in pacing, though reflective of the film's ambition to blend genres and tones, will detract from the cohesiveness of the narrative" 
United States
"Even as the film revels in violent, necrophiliac delights, Cody’s dialogue, as divisively idiosyncratic as ever, keeps everything grounded with its humor. (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Minneapolis Star Tribune
"It's an attempt at comedy and romance. Neither works." 
United States
Bloody Disgusting
"The epic love story between a dead guy and goth girl falls short, but Newton is so magnetic that you’re hard pressed to care (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Daily Beast
"It's commendable that the film is so confident in its eccentricity, but its foolish final moments feel insistent making the movie a cult classic" 
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