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Horror. Drama Rumors of demonic possession at a religious convent prompts a church investigation into the strange goings-on among its nuns. A disaffected priest and his neophyte are confronted with temptation, bloodshed and a crisis of faith.
Media Author Review
United States
The Film Stage
"A disarming, funny, incredibly unique take on demonic possession (...) Agnes is a possession film, but it’s about a different kind of possession" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"It’s impossible to pin 'Agnes' down (...) Sometimes this movie is unsettling; sometimes it’s funny. Mostly it’s a strange and fascinating inquiry into the nature of belief" 
United States
"A thoughtful examination of the human desire for [belief] and the accompanying hope that it may exorcise the emptiness we feel (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"[Its] two sharply differentiated parts add up to much less than a coherent whole, in addition to being too underdeveloped and tonally wobbly to satisfy in themselves." 
United States
Common Sense Media
"Quinn gives a quiet, hurting performance that's effortlessly touching (...) A thoughtful movie that manages to get into spiritual themes without either preaching or mocking (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"By pushing its first half to tonal extremes (...) the film’s tenor is far too disjointed to make any sense as a whole." 
United States
"'Agnes' may start as a slaphappy pastiche of a particular horror sub-genre, but (...) the film’s veil of irony proves sneakily disarming" 
The AU Review
"Had each half been committed to as a full length feature I think Reece would have had a duo of winners on his hand (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
Heaven of Horror
"It’s dark and crude and worked so damn well in terms of quicky characters that I felt like I was in for a real treat (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Anarchy
"A disturbing test of faith (...) Discordant and fascinating, bizarre and deeply affecting, 'Agnes' marks an intriguing and strong step in Reece's filmography" 
United States
Bloody Disgusting
"Unfortunately, there's little of substance here, and what is present is bogged down by messy writing and thematic and tonal direction (…) Rating: ★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Rant
"While 'Agnes' suffers from a lack of cohesion and attempts to elicit varied emotions all at once, it manages to engross, startling with its freeform narrative unveiling (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
AV Club
"As with all of Reece's work, you're either on this movie's wavelength or you're not. But once you catch the Mickey Reece wave, everything else seems uninspired by comparison" 
United States
Austin Chronicle
"The excellence of religious chiller 'Agnes' finally means you can mark me as a true believer (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Wrap
"Sluggish, pointless horror film shifts gears every 20 minutes (...) There's a possession and an exorcism in here somewhere, but this Catholic horror tale never goes anywhere memorable" 
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