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La cocina

Drama It is the lunchtime rush at The Grill, a New York tourist trap that serves thousands of customers on a regular Friday like today. Money has gone missing from the till and all the workers are being questioned. Most of them are illegal immigrants and they struggle to defend their job, their only rightful place in the world, as they prepare an endless array of dishes, trying to keep up with the constant stream of orders coming in from the ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"A thrilling in-spirit adaptation of Arnold Wesker’s 1957 play (...) A chaotic symphony of nearly two dozen characters, this black-and-white indie confection (garnished with sparing touches of color) mixes biting social critique with stylistic bravura" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Even if the film ultimately strays too far into virtuosic theatricality, betraying its origins, 'La Cocina' is a gripping reflection on the dehumanizing grind of labor and the ways that its soul-crushing routines stifle hope" 
United Kingdom
"This constant striving for symbolic import sums up the issues of a maximalist drama that is full of drive, ideas and ambition, but charts no satisfying dramatic arc, and too often feels simply striden" 
United States
"[It] reinforces the thrilling talent of this singular filmmaker (...) It features American star Rooney Mara as well as a stunning, uninhibited, shoot-for-the-stars turn from Raul Briones. Here, he goes for broke" 
United States
"While 'La Cocina' can’t always shake the polemical stiffness of its source material or the political chokehold of its modernized setting, the film’s agit-prop expressionism allows it to push beyond the boundaries of other stories like it" 
United States
The Playlist
"The mishap is easy to slight when there is so much merit in the director’s grasp of the aches of displacement and the overly romantic yet very welcome idea of love as a balm able to tend to such wounds" 
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