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All Jacked Up and Full of Worms

Horror. Comedy Two strangers bond over eating addictive, hallucinogenic worms leading them on a psychotic bender full of murder and perversity through the back alleys of Chicago.
Media Author Review
Screen Anarchy
"'All Jacked Up and Full of Worms' is the kind of bizarro nightmare that is definitely going to divide audiences. Its gleeful lack of logic, pitch black nihilism, and willful grossness is definitely not for everyone" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"It is bound to alienate and turn off a good chunk of the general population. But for John Waters lovers and proud weirdos, it is a scintillating addition to teeny budget favorites." 
"[It] is an impressive piece of transgressive filmmaking that will shock and delight in equal measure" 
United States
"What the heck did I just watch? (...) it was developed to cause repulsion, disgust, and even anger. After watching Phillips’ directorial debut, we can say the filmmaker succeeded" 
United States
"[It] is clearly not meant to be an easily accessible crowd-pleaser (...) However, there is a certain charm, carried by its surreal visuals and the chemistry between Botello and Dawkins, that makes it an entertaining watch." 
United States
The Film Stage
"It’s strange to say a film with a giant puppet King Worm, sex crimes, stabbings, and mutating human-worm hybrids projectile-vomiting is too tame, but here we are. Too much eccentricity. Not enough bonkers." 
United States
Dread Central
"Phillips is channeling the work of Todd Solondz through his own psychedelic lens that burrows and tunnels its way into your brain." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"A psychedelic horror film targeting viewers willing to take the same kind of trip as the movie's characters (...) Alex Phillips and his cast aren't telling a story so much as staging a succession of surreal sketches" 
Screen Rant
"The predominant characteristic of its journey through psychosis is aimlessness. Perhaps this was the artist's intention. But, for this critic, that wasn't quite enough to have made this particular trip worth taking (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"The performances here are uniformly sound in creating Phillips' world, like a slew of funny and strange people you know you’d want to see again, maybe in part because you've seen them in this movie" 
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