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Rene Rodriguez

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153 pro reviews
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  • "Feels like it's been pasted together from 51 other movies -- none of them good."
  • "The movie is pure product, and proud of it: There isn't a single surprising moment in all of its 88 minutes,"
  • "It's surprising to see a three-hour movie about Chicanos being distributed by a major studio, and Hackford had an opportunity to do something special. Instead, he simply gives us more of the same"
  • "'Medicine Man' is an adventure story with a message: We must save the Amazon rain forest. It's certainly a noble cause, filmmakers forgot to make their movie any fun"
  • "Even a film as shabby and humdrum as Beverly Hills Chihuahua, which never musters up the wit and beauty of a single frame of "Lady and the Tramp," is not without its pleasures."
  • Frequency (2000)
    "A very complicated movie. It is also pretty wonderful."
  • "The whole movie is at once formulaic, clichéd and predictable, yet surprising, engaging and filled with subtle, unexpected details"
  • Whip It! (2009)
    "'Whip It' is completely predictable from the first frame. It also is ridiculously, utterly entertaining."
  • Rock Star (2001)
    "Like the type of music it celebrates, Rock Star is just a lot of posing, adding up to very little."
  • "A sluggish, soporific dud, the dreariest big-budget science-fiction adventure since 'Dune.'"
  • "The fight sequences are well handled, the three leads are pleasant (and quite good, it seems, at the martial arts) and the violence is bloodless and amusing"
  • "It may be a work of pure fiction, with the requisite preposterous plot turns, but it still has the air of a 'what if?' scenario, and it is perfectly, thoroughly chilling."
  • "Like a lot of the elder Cassavetes' work, She's So Lovely contains moments of truly fine acting, its characters are all sharply drawn, and its story never seems to go anywhere"
  • Be Cool (2005)
    "A forced and wholly unnecessary sequel"
  • The Insider (1999)
    "A big, bold movie that gets at undeniable truths about the way no one, no matter how powerful, is immune from manipulation"
  • "'Two for the Money', which was written by Dan Gilroy, is so badly constructed and illogical that its inanities manage to drown the actor (Pacino) out"
  • DragonHeart (1996)
    "'Dragonheart' is a silly, foolhardy epic"
  • Flyboys (2006)
    "'Flyboys' is so schematic and contrived, you can anticipate exactly what scene is going to come next, and who will be the next to die in combat"
  • "It would have taken another director and a better script to make this movie into the serious, full-blooded epic it wants to be. But 'Power of One' succeeds in entertaining and getting audiences to think about the tragedy of apartheid"
  • "It is a testament to how well the movie is made that even the most hardened viewer might find himself tearing up at moments -- and you won't have to hate yourself in the morning"
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