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Horror At a boarding house, a vicious dog gets loose from his chain and chews up a tenant's ass that was teasing him with a piece of raw meat. As a result, the dog is shot to death. Another tenant, a very high strung book editor, is picked on alot. Soon he starts having dreams that the dog has returned and dead chewed up tenants begin popping up everywhere.
Maggie Smee: favorite reviews of Mongrel
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  • 04/30/2013
    ¿Colmillos que? ...Venga ya Bad
    Extraño y sinsentido film, del que no he entendido nada una vez acabado, y del que tampoco me explico porque me empeñe en verlo... y mira que es difícil de conseguir...pues nada se me metió entre ceja ... Read full review
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