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The King's Speech

Drama This is the story of King George VI. When his older brother abdicates the throne, nervous-mannered successor George "Bertie" VI (Colin Firth) reluctantly dons the crown. Though his stutter soon raises concerns about his leadership skills, King George VI eventually comes into his own with the help of unconventional speech therapist Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush). Before long the king and Lionel have forged an unlikely bond, a bond that ... [+]
El_Chacal_Beat: favorite reviews of The King's Speech
Validated reviews 2
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  • 07/15/2011
    El primer discurso Very good
    Film realizado por Tom Hooper sobre guión original de David Seidler, que tuvo tartamudez de pequeño y la superó en la juventud. Se trata de un relato que cuenta una historia sencilla, pequeña e ... Read full review
    by: Miquel
  • 02/13/2011
    Tener fe en la voz interior Very good
    Cada cual tiene sus fobias ocultas. Hay quien tiene fobia a las alturas, a la oscuridad, a los espacios cerrados y reducidos, a volar en avión, a los perros, a las ratas, a las cucarachas, a las ... Read full review
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