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I Live in Fear: Record of a Living Being

Drama Kiichi Nakajima, an elderly foundry owner, is so frightened and obsessed with the idea of nuclear extermination that his family decides to have him ruled incompetent. Nakajima's fervent wish is for his family to join him in escaping from Japan to the relative safety of South America. Harada, a civil volunteer in the case, sympathizes with Nakajima's conviction, but the old man's irrational behaviour prevents the court from taking his fears seriously. [+]
Quim Casals: favorite reviews of I Live in Fear: Record of a Living Being
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  • 01/21/2016
    Cambio de plano Good
    Existe un cierto consenso respecto a ‘Crónica de un ser vivo’. Muchos la consideran una de las películas menores de Akira Kurosawa. Quizás sea así. Pretendo analizar, en el texto que sigue, el corte ... Read full review
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