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Drama. Romance A Dublin busker, who ekes out a living playing guitar and repairing vacuum cleaners for his dad's shop, meets a young Czech immigrant who sells roses on the same street. She likes his song, and what's more…she has a broken vacuum cleaner! They soon find themselves playing music together in a nearby music store (since she can't afford a piano, the owner lets her play his floor models). Over the course of a week, they form a musical ... [+]
Gelen: favorite reviews of Once
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  • 04/19/2009
    La buena gente Very good
    No se a qué es debido, pero viendo Once se te despierta un sentimiento de compasión con cada personaje que en ella aparece. Miras la tele y sólo deseas que a cada uno de ellos le sonría la vida desde ... Read full review
  • 11/1/2008
    It's time that you won Very good
    Deliciosa y magnífica película con pocos medios pero mucho empeño y sentimiento.
    La historia de un músico perdido en el tiempo y en el espacio... un pringao como el mismo se llama, melancólico ... Read full review
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