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Schindler's List

Drama Oskar Schindler is a German businessman in Poland who sees an opportunity to make money from the Nazis' rise to power. He starts a company to make cookware and utensils, using flattery and bribes to win military contracts, and brings in accountant and financier Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley) to help run the factory. By staffing his plant with Jews who've been herded into Krakow's ghetto by Nazi troops, Schindler has a dependable unpaid ... [+]
Yazula: favorite reviews of Schindler's List
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  • 03/19/2013
    MUY BUENA, PERO... Good
    ...hay algo turbio en este film.

    No me malinterpreten: estéticamente es notable. El elenco actoral es de lujo y se luce. La banda sonora es tremenda. Los fusilmientos hielan la sangre y ... Read full review
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