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Air Force One

Action. Thriller President James Marshall (Harrison Ford) is one of the most respected leaders in the history of America. When Kazakhstanian separatists commit atrocities on their own people, Marshall authorizes a guerrilla mission to take their leader, General Radek (Jürgen Prochnow), into custody and restore the democratic regime. In his speech afterward, the president vows never to let America hesitate again when dealing with terrorists. However, ... [+]
LennyNero: favorite reviews of Air Force One
Validated reviews 1
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  • 12/30/2008
    En unas palabras... Bad
    Asquerosa, nociva, dañina, cancerígena, perjudicial, nefasta, ínfima, funesta, infausta, fastidiosa, molesta, penosa, lamentable, insultante, inmoral, sinvergüenza, caradura, fascista, desvergonzada, ... Read full review
    by: Duvall
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