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Comedy Is it better to live with a bullet lodged in your brain, even if it means you might drop dead any time? Or would you rather have the bullet taken out and live the rest of your life as a vegetable? Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes? Is scrap metal worth more than landmines? Can you get drunk from eating waffles? Can a woman fit inside a refrigerator? What’s the human cannonball world record? Find out answers ... [+]
maguffi: favorite reviews of Micmacs
Validated reviews 1
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  • 12/10/2011
    Jeunet, muy bonita (otra vez) Good
    Micmacs es otra muestra de la infinita capacidad estética de Jeunet. Todo en ella es bonito, todo está provisto de ritmo, todo en ella salta, corre, gruñe o se menea. Y en definitiva, es un ... Read full review
    by: Petar
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