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The Place Beyond the Pines

Drama Luke (Ryan Gosling) is a high-wire motorcycle stunt performer who travels with the carnival from town to town. While passing through Schenectady in upstate New York, he tries to reconnect with a former lover, Romina (Eva Mendes), only to learn that she has given birth to their son Jason in his absence. Luke decides to give up life on the road to try and provide for his newfound family by taking a job as a car mechanic. Noticing Luke’s ... [+]
Ferhood: favorite reviews of The Place Beyond the Pines
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  • 09/13/2013
    El hombre tranquilo. Good
    La cinta comienza con fuerza, unos planos detalle de un Ryan Gosling, que llena la pantalla con su sola presencia, desvelan ciertas maneras de la fuerte personalidad del protagonista. El primer plano ... Read full review
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