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Isle of Flowersshort filmdocumentary

Documentary Isle of Flowers (Portuguese: Ilha das Flores) is a 1989 Brazilian short film by Jorge Furtado. It tracks the path of a tomato from garden to dump with the help of a monotone voiceover and a collection of bizarre images. While a very humorous film, the message it delivers about how human beings treat each other is anything but such. The director himself has stated that the film was inspired by the works of Kurt Vonnegut and Alain ... [+]
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  • 05/7/2012
    Yo tengo pulgar oponible Very good
    Jorge Furtado es un brasilero, los brasileros son animales mamíferos que poseen un encéfalo altamente desarrollado y un pulgar oponible. Se distinguen del resto de los seres humanos por la forma de ... Read full review
    by: Arkero
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