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The Simpsonstv seriesanimation

The Simpsons (TV Series)
1989 United States
Matt Groening (Creator), Sam Simon (Creator) ...
TV Series. Animation. Comedy TV Series (1989-Today). 34 Seasons. The Simpsons started out in the Tracy Ullman Show on the 19th April 1987, as shorts, and then, worked it's way up, to become as full length episodes, (First one in the 17th December 1989,) and now won multiple Emmys, was voted by TIME magazine,"the best TV show of the 20th century", broke two records of the longest prime-time show, and most guest celebrities, 280, and is loved by people of all ages!
Rudyger: favorite reviews of The Simpsons (TV Series)
Validated reviews 2
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  • 08/26/2008
    La tele que salvó a la humanidad Excellent
    ¿Podemos confiar en que los padres impartan educación ética y moral a sus retoños?
    Lo dudo. Muchos padres están capacitados para procrear pero no para educar. En realidad muchos de ellos no ... Read full review
  • 02/8/2008
    Simplemente Great
    Obra de arte total, si no está así considerada es por culpa de Obscena 3 Televisión.
    Obra viva en el tiempo, sin empaquetar, sin firma, no la busque en los museos.
    Mito viviente, más real ... Read full review
    by: Tomine
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