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Starship Troopers

Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Action In the society of the future, people have to undergo military service in order to attain citizenship. Johnny Rico, his girlfriend Carmen Ibanez and two other friends enlist for military service soon after leaving school. They are required to undergo tough and brutal training. An asteroid then appears out of Klendathu space and strikes Buenos Aires, killing Johnny’s parents. Earth declares war against the Klendathu. Johnny immediately ... [+]
SBarrettt: favorite reviews of Starship Troopers
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  • 01/29/2011
    Os lo creéis todo... Great
    Es esta una película hecha para mentes abiertas y cerebros ávidos de retos intelectuales que sepan apreciarla en toda su grandeza, para aquellos espectadores que sepan ver todo el vasto campo de ... Read full review
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