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Dolores Claiborne

Mystery. Drama Eighteen years ago, the abusive husband of Dolores Claiborne (Kathy Bates) died under mysterious circumstances. His death was ruled an accident despite the suspicions of police detective John Mackey. Now the elderly woman she has nursed for many years has also died--with Dolores found standing over her body with a rolling pin in her upraised hands--and this time she is accused of murder. Her estranged daughter (Jennifer Jason Leigh), ... [+]
rodri: favorite reviews of Dolores Claiborne
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  • 09/9/2018
    Dolores Claiborne Good
    Confieso que hasta hace muy poco desconocía completamente la existencia de esta película. Pero, bueno, lo que son las cosas, un buen día leí la enfática crítica de una conocida usuaria de esta página ... Read full review
    by: Taylor
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