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Malasangre rating:
Horror In the summer of 1973, four teenagers--Erin, Morgan, Kemper, and Andy--are driving through Texas on a road trip when they pick up a hitchhiker, Pepper, who is on her way to Mexico to score some dope. With Pepper adding to the party atmosphere, the other four decide to join her, but as they're passing through a small town in Travis County, they see a bloody and distraught girl wandering by the side of the road, and after stopping to help ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 5, 2006
11 of 21 users found this review helpful
Lo único bueno es la escena del balazo en la cabeza de la chica. Realmente me acojonó. El resto, es boñiga comercial. Lo mejor: los extras, en DVD. No os los perdais.
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