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salvisalvatore rating:
Drama Based on William Hayes's autobiography, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS tells the harrowing story of a young American tourist arrested and sentenced to 30 years in prison by Turkish authorities for trying to smuggle two kilos of hashish out of the country. Billy (Brad Davis), suffering through the harsh realities of the Turkish penal system, sees a glimmer of hope when his father (Billy Kellin) arrives from the States with the intention of securing ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
May 25, 2013
4 of 6 users found this review helpful
De acuerdo. Una película impactante. Buena interpretación y atmósfera sobrecogedora. Pero demoniza el mundo musulmán y nos aparta de su realidad. Turquía es otra cosa, Estambul es otra cosa.

Un rodaje en la base militar de Guantánamo, nos daría igualmente una idea equivocada y sesgada del mundo occidental.
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