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Spain Spain ยท Barcelona
m4f4ld4 rating:
Thriller. Mystery Leonard (Guy Pearce) is an insurance investigator whose memory has been damaged following a head injury he sustained after intervening on his wife's murder. His quality of life has been severely hampered after this event, and he can now only live a comprehendable life by tattooing notes on himself and taking pictures of things with a Polaroid camera. The movie is told in forward flashes of events that are to come that compensate for his ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
February 25, 2009
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Memento es como darle la vuelta a un reloj de arena, verse inmerso en su incesante movimiento donde cada grano va conformando la historia, detalles importantes, imprescindibles en el paso del tiempo.. el problema es que el reloj tiene fisuras y la arena no puede contenerse..

Lo que valoro es como Nolan ha jugado con este reloj y que nos plantee si somos nosotros mismos quienes decidimos romperlo..
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