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The Origin of Evil

Thriller. Drama Jealousy and bitterness breaks the Stephane's family who invents a whole other life for herself in order to impress the rich man and the women surrounded, who undermines her.
Media Author Review
"It feels like the kind of brisk, undemanding, back-of-the-seat entertainment that might make a few hours of a long-haul flight melt away" 
United Kingdom
"The clever machinations of the plot are always underpinned by a strong ensemble cast playing the emotional truth of the situations to the hilt" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"The second-hour intrigue is sharp enough to hold your interest and the final bit of untwisting registers as near-perfect" 
United States
"It is more of a murderous romp that has something of the spirit of 'Knives Out', although it doesn’t hit its plot points with anything like that film’s whip-smartness (...) their actual characters are disappointingly flat" 
United States
"A gnarly, knotty thriller [where] Calamy gives a dramatic performance of unsettling depth (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"A thriller with scant thrills but plenty of echoes of better, more explosive works (...) Rating: ★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The New York Times
"This decadent murder-movie takes the online credo, 'be gay, do crimes', and runs with it —to delicious results" 
United States
"An enticing French drama of family wealth, featuring a new-style femme fatale (...) Laure Calamy dazzles" 
United States
"A sophisticated, hitchcockian grifter tale with a great Laure Calamy performance" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Something light but acidic is just what you want to prime the palate" 
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