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After the Wedding

Drama The film follows the director of an Indian orphanage on the verge of bankruptcy, who discovers that her organization is in contention to receive a large charitable donation from a wealthy American businesswoman, forcing her to travel to New York City, where she is confronted by a past she tried to forget.
Author Review
United StatesUnited States
The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter
"Meh-lodrama (...) [It removes] the teeth from a melodrama that grows increasingly preposterous as it crawls toward its weepy conclusion (...) It's always a pleasure to watch nuanced actors like Williams and Moore"  NEU
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The Guardian
The Guardian
"The actors add weight to a handsomely made yet emotionally underwhelming remake (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
"[A] sensitive remake (...) [It provides] an incredibly rich showcase for the immense talents of Julianne Moore (who goes big) and Michelle Williams"  POS
United StatesUnited States
The New York Times
The New York Times
"A supreme example of classed-up mediocrity (...) A pointless remake (...) [It] offers little that’s new and a lot that’s predictable"  NEG
United StatesUnited States
The Wrap
The Wrap
"Freundlich struggles to keep things from lurching into melodrama. He doesn’t always succeed, but on the whole 'After the Wedding' is a touching journey"  NEU
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
"Despite a stellar cast led by Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams, 'After The Wedding' never cuts very deeply (...) Freundlich’s generally tasteful approach only makes the convoluted story more preposterous"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
AV Club
AV Club
"Unfortunately, 'After The Wedding' saddles its cast with a hackneyed script calibrated for high melodrama, only to punt in favor of cheap sentimentality."  NEG
United StatesUnited States
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone
"[Michelle Williams] is so good in this remake of Danish tearjerker that she almost makes this mediocrity worthwhile (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)"  NEU
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The Independent
The Independent
"Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams fail to save overindulgent drama (...) There’s little grit or humanity here (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)"  NEG
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
"[It] plays it far too safe (...) Something about the story feels patly subservient, as if the film had no urgent issue to address but some good actors available to emote on cue (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)"  NEG
"Williams inhabits the role with great skill and the film is almost worth seeing just for her master class in quietly-simmering anxiety (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)"  POS
Irish Times
Irish Times
"Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams excel (...) 'After the Wedding' generates nuanced, empathetic characters (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)"  POS
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