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Mother of the Bride

Romance. Comedy Lana's daughter Emma returns from London and announces that she's getting married next month. Things become more complicated when Lana learns that the man who stole Emma's heart is the son of the man who broke hers years ago.
Media Author Review
United States
AV Club
"Netflix’s algorithm serves up a romantic comedy facsimile (...) Brooke Shields and Benjamin Bratt flail (and fail) to make this tired, trite take on the rom-com sing" 
United States
"While a gentle, light-hearted romp is indeed welcomed in these taxing times, there’s much left to be desired from our journey with these likable but under-developed characters. 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"It’s a slight cut above just how very bad these things can get, but not enough to edge it toward something that would deserve your full attention. (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"As it stands, 'Mother of the Bride' is a pleasant enough way to spend your time…and perhaps begin planning your next vacation. " 
United States
The Daily Beast
"Shields, Benjamin Bratt, and Miranda Cosgrove star in Netflix’s “Mother of the Bride.” But the fun (though soulless) rom-com, money might just be the most well-developed character." 
United States
"It wants you to buy into the heart and the humor without earning either (...) This movie makes you want to walk into the ocean. That way, you won’t have to hear any of the woefully bad dialogue any longer" 
Screen Rant
"[It] is all fluff but it's still a fun time (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"SKIP IT and SKIP IT hard. 'Anyone But You' is a destination-wedding rom-com that’s also on Netflix. Watch that one instead" 
United Kingdom
"Brooke Shields doesn’t deserve this wishy-washy romcom (...) The star does her best – but 'Mean Girls' director Mark Water show little of his former snap in this nothingy Netflix film (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"[It] is clearly a distraction for something else. It’s absolutely mindless (...) Rating: ★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The New York Times
"The best screwball gag this movie can muster is a pickleball shot to the groin" 
United States
Common Sense Media
"The streaming platforms have assembled a small cottage industry of films about middle-aged women finding second chances at love, and Brooke Shields could easily become a star of the genre" 
United States
Chicago Reader
"Middling and mindless (...) If you’re a diehard fan of someone in the cast, then it could be worth a second-screen skim, but otherwise you can send your regrets to this wedding flick" 
United States
"So threadbare it makes '27 Dresses' seem downright didactic in comparison (...) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"The whole cast is likable and the scenery lovely, making this only the second-worst Shields beach movie, after 'The Blue Lagoon' (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
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