The Lion Kinganimation
Animation. Drama. Adventure. Comedy. Musical. Kids
In the veldt kingdom of Pride Rock, the scheming Scar plans to become the lion king. He convinces young Simba, the heir to the throne, to wander off into the elephant graveyard. When Simba is threatened by a horde of stampeding wildebeest, his father, King Mufasa, comes to his rescue but Scar causes him to fall and be trampled. Scar then turns on Simba, telling him all this was his fault and convincing him the only rightful thing to do ... [+]
Rankings by FilmAffinity score of The Lion King
Rankings of user lists of The Lion King
- 2 My Favorite Animated Movies (1856)
- 3 Movies My Kids Love (Rated G & PG) (45)
- 4 Movies I Grew Up With (1012)
- 5 My Favorite Family Movies (93)
- 14 Movies I Have Seen A Billion Times (287)
- 14 Movies with the Best Beginnings (not including opening credits) (88)
- 15 Most Moving Movies (186)
- 17 Movies with an Incredible Soundtrack (OST) (534)
- 19 Most Beautiful Movie Posters in Film History (17)
- 24 My Favorites from the 90s (321)
- 24 My Favorite Blockbusters (40)
- 31 My Favorite Musicals (121)
- 53 Best Movie Posters Ever (My Favorite Posters) (33)
- 63 Absolute Musts (25)
- 77 My Favorite Movies (2845)
- 82 Movies that Don't Seem that Special but are Very Special to Me (51)
- 96 Movies I Want to Own (103)