Full awards and nominations of Mrs. America (TV Miniseries)

Dahvi Waller (Creator), Anna Boden ...
TV Series. Drama
TV Mini-series (2020). 9 Episodes. Mrs. America tells the true story of the movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), and the unexpected backlash led by a conservative woman named Phyllis Schlafly, played by Cate Blanchett. Through the eyes of the women of that era – both Schlafly and second wave feminists Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisholm, Bella Abzug and Jill Ruckelshaus – the series explores how one of the ... [+]
Best Screenplay (Long Form - Original)
(Tanya Barfield, Joshua Griffith, Sharon Hoffman, Boo Killebrew, Micah Schraft, April Shih, Dahvi Waller)