Fionnuala Halligan
Khartoum (2025)
Brides (2025)Publish Date: January 24, 2025"Part of what makes 'Brides' so engaging is its closeness to the truth"
Omaha (2025)Publish Date: January 23, 2025"So unassuming and low-key it almost drives by un-remarked, like the drone of the highway traffic that punctuates its soundtrack, Cole Webley’s feature debut 'Omaha' packs a powerful soft punch"
Spilt Milk (2024)Publish Date: November 8, 2024"What initially looks like an Irish Nancy Drew enters some very dark terrain it has trouble navigating tonally."
Publish Date: October 26, 2024"A welcome return for Wallace, Gromit and that dastardly penguin in another ‘instant classic’ from Aardman Animation"
Four Mothers (2024)
The Summer Book (2024)
Nickel Boys (2024)Publish Date: September 26, 2024"A work of artistic daring"
Publish Date: September 6, 2024"Both enjoyably retro and fascinatingly aimless as it attempts to resurrect an old genre with gleaming sincerity"
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