Jonathan Romney
Reflection in a Dead Diamond (2025)
The Light (2025)Publish Date: February 12, 2025"A confused mix of earnestness and self-importance, combined with a sometimes jarring stylistic flashiness"
Peter Hujar's Day (2025)
Sukkwan Island (2025)Publish Date: January 24, 2025"The film is always watchable for Amine Berrada’s cinematography"
From Ground Zero (2024)Publish Date: December 19, 2024"A hugely revealing watch but not an easy one"
The Fourth Wall (2024)Publish Date: December 3, 2024"This highly literary film is an intellectually ambitious but sometimes ponderous"
Silent Storms (2024)
Publish Date: November 3, 2024"The marmalade-loving bear goes back to his Peruvian roots in this fun, if more formulaic, adventure sequel"
Regretfully at Dawn (2024)Publish Date: October 4, 2024"A generally deadpan canine performance from O-Liang helps keep over-emotiveness neatly in check"
Serpent’s Path (2024)Publish Date: October 3, 2024"The remake touches on human pain in a way that the original, distanced by genre formalism, does not"
Of Dogs and Men (2024)Publish Date: September 28, 2024"Rosenberg is to be lauded for approaching this material with emotional restraint"
Last Breath (2024)Publish Date: September 25, 2024"More like a soberly dramatised seminar than an emotionally evolving fiction"
Publish Date: September 23, 2024"[Its] ramshackle romanticism never remotely convinces, and it feels terribly dated, stylistically and in content"
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