Word of God
Available on Prime Video, Tubi TV, Amazon Freevee
It is the 1980s - Jens and his brothers live in a single-family house in Risskov, a suburb of Aarhus, Denmark. Here, the family's patriarch psychologist and self-appointed God - Uffe - rules the roost in his dressing gown and underwear. Changes threaten the peace when Uffe decides to write his memoirs. The family home is suddenly filled to the rafters with Uffe's loyal patients, who both provide Uffe with moral support - and drunken companionship. As insurrection smoulders on the part of his three sons, maternal Gerd Lillian does all she can to keep the family together. But for Jens, Thomas and Mikkel to break free of their father's tyrannical rule and grow up will require a final, inevitable showdown with 'God'.
Starring Søren Malling, 麗莎妮爾森, 馬庫斯·塞巴斯汀格特
Director Henrik Ruben Genz