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The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him mediadocumentary

Original title
The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him
Running time
50 min.
United States United States
Distributor: Canyon Cinema, LUX
Documentary | Half-length Film. Experimental Cinema
This photographic (as distinct from hand-painted) work is the third in what has come to be called 'the Vancouver Island films' and, as such, concentrates metaphorically upon 'mid-age crisis,' a psychological state comparable to 'but not relieved by' Death. The title is from Dickens' David Copperfield.The film of single-strand photography begins with the “fire” of reflective light on water and on the barest inferences of a ship. Throughout, the interwoven play of light and water tell the inferred “tale” of the film through rhythm, the tempo, through visible textures and forms in gradual evolution, through resultant “moods” generated by these modes of making, and, then, by the increasingly distant boat images, birds, animals, fleeting silhouettes of people and their artifacts, flotsam and jetsam of the sea-dead, as well as (near end, and almost as at a funeral) flowers in bloom, swallowed by darkness midst the crumbling of the sand castles.
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