Green and Gold
- Original title
- Green and Goldaka
- God Loves the Green Bay Packers
- Year
- 2023
- Country
United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Craig T. Nelson
- Brandon Sklenar
- Annabel Armour
- Madison Lawlor
- M. Emmet Walsh
- Ashton Moio
- Chanell Bell
- William Kalinak
- Tim Frank
- Shivani Mendez
- Shaun Graves
- Charlie Berens
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Drama | American Football. Old Age / Elderly
- Synopsis
- Foreclosure looms over Wisconsin dairy farmer Buck (Craig T. Nelson). With mounting debt and the land his family has cultivated for four generations at risk, Buck refuses to give up his legacy without a fight... Buck’s granddaughter (Madison Lawlor) works alongside him but dreams of a life in music instead. Her aspirations are fanned by an emerging friendship with a famous musician (Brandon Sklenar), but chasing her dreams might take her far from the farm. With time running out, Buck places a daring Super Bowl bet on his beloved Green Bay Packers football team, risking it all to save everything he holds dear.
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