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The Eastern Gate tv series

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Poland Poland
TV Series. Thriller. Mystery | Politics
A suspense series that delves into the world of modern espionage during an emerging conflict & international unrest. It paints a vivid picture of the clandestine world while also exploring the personal struggles of an individual caught in the web of the secret service. NATO's eastern flank, Russian war maneuvers at a hotspot of strategic importance for the entire continent. The Eastern Gate follows the journey of Ewa Oginiec, who, after a personal drama, aims to exit the secret service and start over. Things take a twist when her partner, also a secret agent, gets outed by Russian intelligence and then vanishes mysteriously. The series explores the mechanism of provocation on the global stage, as well as the high stakes-battle between intelligence agencies in a world gripped by the complexities of hybrid warfare.
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The Eastern Gate (TV Series)
Jan P. Matuszynski, Wojciech Bockenheim
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