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Murmur of the Heart

Drama This is a jolly coming-of-age story about a 15-year-old boy named Laurent Chevalier who is growing up in bourgeois surroundings in Dijon, France. This is France in the mid-1950s rather than America in the 1990s. Thus, Laurent is unharmed by events which would irreparably shatter the self-esteem of a modern American adolescent: he gets drunk, he smokes, he has sex, he is smothered by his mother, he is ignored by his father, a priest ... [+]
berenice: favorite reviews of Murmur of the Heart
Validated reviews 1
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  • 01/16/2020
    La piel suave Very good
    Catorce años, dos hermanos mayores, un padre ginecólogo y una madre italiana casquivana y deliciosa.
    Estamos en la Francia del cincuenta y cuatro, la de la posguerra, la de la pérdida de las ... Read full review
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