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Action. Thriller FBI agent Sean Archer (Travolta) knows how to stop elusive terrorist Castor Troy (Cage). He'll become him. Archer undergoes a futuristic surgery and has Troy's face mapped onto his, then infiltrates the terrorist's world to discover his deadly secrets. But as much as Archer looks and acts like Troy, he doesn't really know him. He never figures Troy will retaliate and force doctors to transform him into Archer. Now the agent faces a ... [+]
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  • 12/29/2015
    2 - Mala... de cojones Bad
    Ésta es la típica basura que no vale la pena ni acabar de ver entera, pero teniendo en cuenta la pasta que se gastaron en rodarla, ¿por qué no invertir un minutillo más en hacer un breve análisis y ... Read full review
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    Frank Miller: American Genius
    Silenn Thomas