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Thriller. Action. Drama. Film noir A mysterious man who has multiple jobs as a garage mechanic, a Hollywood stuntman and a getaway driver seems to be trying to escape his shady past as he falls for his neighbor - whose husband is in prison and who's looking after her child alone. Meanwhile, his garage mechanic boss is trying to set up a race team using gangland money, which implicates our driver as he is to be used as the race team's main driver. Our hero gets more than ... [+]
Andy88: favorite reviews of Drive
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  • 01/9/2012
    El escorpión Very good
    No sé si serán sus perfectos encuadres, sus planos aéreos de esa ciudad que resplandece en la penumbra de la noche, su hipnótica banda sonora, las explosiones de violencia arrancadas desde la pausa y ... Read full review
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