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Mystery. Comedy. Thriller Sidney Lumet faithfully adapts Ira Levin's witty play of intertwining intentions and duplicitous loyalties in his stinging thriller DEATHTRAP. Set in the glittering milieu of New York's Hamptons, the film stars Michael Caine as Sidney Bruhl, a washed-up writer of Broadway hit thrillers reeling from the unmitigated flop of his most recent play. Upon returning to his wife, Myra--a heart-murmur-afflicted, pill-popping, and incredibly ... [+]
Tombol: favorite reviews of Deathtrap
Validated reviews 2
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  • 07/9/2022
    Un juego peligroso Poor
    Prometedora, enigmática, arriesgada, interesante, atractiva, absurda, ilógica, reiterativa, enfermiza, ridícula, mediocre, bochornosa y desaprovechada producción de suspense que echa a perder lo que ... Read full review
    by: Jon
  • 07/9/2022
    Si eres perspicaz te dormirás. Average
    Floja, muy floja película a remolque inevitable de la mucho mejor "La huella".

    Va de más a menos a una velocidad supersónica, dejando el tercio final en manos del sopor más ... Read full review
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