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The Mentalisttv series

TV Series. Drama. Mystery TV Series (2008-2015). 7 Seasons. 151 Episodes. A team of the Californian Bureau of Investigation (CBI) may officially be lead by haughty agent Lisbon. However, her mediocre intelligence and methods by the book are no match for 'mentalist' Patrick Jane. Formally, the ex-medium-hustler is just a police consultant. In fact the detectives soon learn to look to him for ever brilliant and surprising observations, deductions, ploys and traps. ... [+]
jaroshlav: favorite reviews of The Mentalist (TV Series)
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  • 12/28/2009
    Ley del Mentalista Poor
    Si algo puede resolver, lo resolverá


    1- Todo se soluciona tan rápido como el mentalista quiera.
    2- Todo lleva el tiempo que crea necesario el mentalista.Read full review
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