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Red River

Western Tom Dunson (John Wayne) builds a cattle empire with his adopted son Matthew Garth (Montgomery Clift). Together they begin a massive cattle drive north from Texas to the Missouri railhead. But on the way, new information and Dunson's tyrannical ways cause Matthew to take the herd away from Dunson and head to a new railhead in Kansas. Dunson, swearing vengeance, pursues.
RandolphCarter: favorite reviews of Red River
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  • 12/1/2011
    La epopeya de Tom Dunson Great
    “Rio Rojo” es, sin lugar a dudas, un grandísimo western. Pero no sólo por su calidad. “Rio Rojo” es grande porque su historia también lo es. Y cuando una historia es grande y encima te la cuentan ... Read full review
    by: Taylor
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