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Wall Street

Drama Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) is a Wall Street stockbroker in early 1980's New York with a strong desire to get to the top. Working for his firm during the day, he spends his spare time working an on angle with with to approach the high-powered, extremely successful (but ruthless and greedy) broker Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas). Fox finally meets with Gekko, who takes the youth under his wing and explains his philosophy that "Greed is Good". ... [+]
Vito Corleone: favorite reviews of Wall Street
Validated reviews 2
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  • 07/15/2014
    La historia se repite Very good
    Pocos meses después del crack bursátil del 87, Oliver Stone estrenó este interesantísimo film que refleja una de las actitudes más de moda entre la gente, la codicia. Bud Fox, Charlie Sheen, es un ... Read full review
  • 07/15/2014
    El error de Gordon Gekko Good
    Los brokers de Wall Street llevaban en sus solapas insignias grabadas con e rostro de Adam Smith y en Europa las facultades de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicas se convirtieron en las más demandadas ... Read full review
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