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The Class

Drama Joseph is quiet, introverted, hopeless at sports, different, weird. All this turns him into the perfect scapegoat for the bullies at his school. While humiliation and sadism escalate, Joseph’s life becomes more unbearable. And then, along comes Kaspar, an unexpected friend, an ally. Now he is not alone anymore. Now there are two of them and they want revenge, because the meek are fed up. Because they are coldly and conscientiously planning their revenge.  [+]
Travisloock: favorite reviews of The Class
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  • 03/4/2013
    La mala educación Good
    En el triunvirato que forman los componentes del acoso escolar intervienen: verdugo, observador y víctima. El verdugo es el brazo ejecutor y el observador es la persona que no te mataría, pero que ... Read full review
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