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Gone with the Wind

Drama. Romance. Adventure When wealthy Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) learns that Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard), whom she's secretly in love with, is engaged to Melanie Hamilton (Olivia de Havilland), she decides to tell him at a party about her feelings for him. However, Ashley is not swayed, and responds that he's much more suited to Melanie. Rhett Butler (Clark Gable), who has overheard their conversation, promises to Scarlett that he'll keep ... [+]
Wotton: favorite reviews of Gone with the Wind
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  • 04/15/2012
    LA PELÍCULA. Excellent
    No tiene el apoyo unánime de los críticos. Tampoco tiene el apoyo incondicional del público. Y en cambio no deja de ser de ser la película más mítica de la historia del cine.
    Lo que el viento se ... Read full review
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