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Plots with a View

Comedy This comedy takes a riotous look at small town Welsh country life centered around competing funeral homes. BORIS PLOTZ, Director of Plotz Funeral Homes, dreamed of only two things as a young boy... dancing and BETTY. Betty secretly loved Boris, but could not fight her father's wishes, so she was married off to a gold digger. Boris gave up his dreams and took over the family's undertaking business. Everything has remained status quo in ... [+]
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  • 06/24/2012
    Funerarias F.A. Interesting
    La vida es una comedia. Cualquier cosa es digna de tomarse a risa, incluso la más funesta. Humor negro, lo llaman. Así pues, muertes, funerales, amores ingratos, espionaje industrial, seres vengativos ... Read full review
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