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Older Brother, Younger Sister

Drama In a village not far from Tokyo, Akaza and his wife Riki worry about their childrens' future. The eldest, Inokichi, is a gambler and a womaniser. The elder of the two sisters, Mon, has gone to Tokyo, and the parents are in the process of trying to marry off their younger daughter, San, to a local shopowner. When Mon comes home one day with the news that she is pregnant, Inokichi loses control and fights violently with the sister to whom he had always been so close. [+]
Talibán: favorite reviews of Older Brother, Younger Sister
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  • 12/26/2021
    Con las piedras, con el agua Very good
    Ya desde los títulos de crédito se advierte la dialéctica entre la dureza de la piedra y el discurrir del agua. Pienso que en ese diálogo elemental y simbólico queda cifrada la historia de esta ... Read full review
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