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The Return

Drama In contemporary Russia young brothers Vanya and Andrey have grown a deep attachment to each other to make up for their fatherless childhood. Running home after a fight with neighborhood kids, the boys are shocked to discover their father has returned after a 12-year absence. With their mother's uneasy blessing Vanya and Andrey set out on what they believe will be a fishing vacation with their taciturn father.
Palomitasconchoco: favorite reviews of The Return
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  • 07/20/2013
    Menos enigmas de lo que parece Great
    ¿Se puede admirar y elogiar una película que no se ha entendido? Supongo que sí, pero es chocante que la crítica se empeñe en dar a un film un sentido claramente contrario al sugerido por su propio ... Read full review
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