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The Abominable Snowman

Horror. Adventure Botanical scientists John Rollason (Peter Cushing) and Peter Fox (Richard Wattis) are the hosts of the kindly, but mysterious Lhama (Arnold Marle). Besides appearing to have extra-sensory perception, the Lhama chides them about their Western ways and even meddles in John's relationship with his wife Helen (Maureen Connell), when she objects to an unplanned detour in John's research. Blustering American explorer / promoter Tom Friend ... [+]
el chulucu: favorite reviews of The Abominable Snowman
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  • 07/9/2013
    No tan abominable Good
    Siempre he entendido que esta película de la histórica Hammer ha sido bastante infravalorada, hurgando un poco en la misma, puede que sea su ritmo y falta de acción una de las causas de la misma. Es ... Read full review
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